
"The training takes over"


Chief Officer Zahir Rohinton Jambusarwalla, Stena Supreme

What is the best thing about working in shipping?

– There is a very strong sense of achievement at the end of each job. It requires a certain mindset and comes with great responsibilities, and that is something I relish.

How do you notice the current state of the industry?

– We see the effects of the last years, which have been hard on the industry. But we also see the effects of working for a strong, stable company. We see ships from other companies waiting for cargos while we are sailing by. You also have the flexibility and security to go out on other ships in the fleet. Personally, I wouldn’t sail with Concordia Maritime if they weren’t the best to sail with.

How important is the training?

– The base of our extensive training is that we can take any challenge thrown at us. When you have had enough training you react instinctively, the training takes over. There can be moments of high stress, and in those moments it is assuring to know that you have your training to fall back on.